We all love wine, and by the time we finish a bottle, we probably love it a whole lot more. But with these must-try DIY ideas, the fun’s only just begun once that wine is gone. So finish off that Pinot and prepare to channel your inner Picasso – by repurposing those bottles, you’ll be turning today’s wine into tomorrow’s masterpiece.
Get Growing. Wine lovers and gardeners alike can show off their passion for the vine with a glass garden filled with floral favorites. Start by splitting the bottle in half – we recommend heading to Homesthetics for an easy bottle-splitting fix. Then simply add some dirt and plant away! Those flowers will be blooming beautifully in no time. Or, even better, use your bottle as a vase of vino that will have everyone vying for their own. For an extra pop, perhaps incorporate a splash of paint, string, or ribbon – the possibilities are endless. These flowers will have never looked better, and they’ll add a uniquely wine-derful flair to any space.
Light it Up. Get ready to turn on the lights and turn up the charm, because with the help of these brilliant crafts, that bottle will not only spice up your night, but also your home. For quite possibly the easiest yet most elegant craft, create a new lamp by simply stuffing a strand of string lights into an empty Sauvignon. Or, for an even cozier feel, stick a candle in it! Don’t be afraid to smash that glass – Lovely Greens has all the tips you need for creating a candle-sized masterpiece. Break off the bottom of your bottle, add some wax, and voila! You are the proud new owner of a fragrant flame to be decorated to your heart’s desire.
Wear Your Wine. We’re firm believers that wine is always the best accessory, so these wearable DIYs are our dream come true. For a glamorous new look, break that bottle and get glassy (you can find more glass-slicing tips here). Add a chain and you’ve got your newest necklace – and we hear glass is the new black. And of course, we can’t forget the cork! These handy little guys not only go with every bottle, but also with any outfit. Slice off a quarter-sized piece, and there you have it – a sip-tastic charm for any bracelet, ring, or keychain. Now all you crafty wine lovers can showcase your love for wine on the go, and most importantly, you have a new reason to invest in another bottle. Cheers!